VidFest Presentation

  • 78
    This is a loosely chronological survey of my work from my teenage fanzine artwork to screenshots of The Matrix Online, for which I wrote story continuity over the first few years of its existence. SF illustration, movie storyboards, advertising art and plenty of Concrete and other comics work included. It was part of my talk with Mark Verheiden, then a Battlestar Galactica writer/producer, to Vidfest 2007 in Vancouver BC.

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December 07, 2005



Hi Paul

so stoked that you have a blog!!! : )

doos the guy that runs the weishan site know?

I cant identify the show you are on from the description on the wbai site.....what exactly is it listed under?


p.s. love your work. a lot

Guido Weisshahn

Just found out about the blog, and am really happy about it. Welcome to the net (beyond the Matrix), Paul.


yay, its there now. almost two hours!!!!! can not wait to listen, just got to work out how to get it onto a cd for the car.


Thanks for posting the video of Sadie. Elizabeth and I truly arapecipte your care of Sadie whenever we board her there. The video shows the love you have for your animals. I have sent the link to several other people (relatives and friends) so you should get a number of hits on that page over the next few days. Thanks again. David


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afaik that would involve (quite a lot of) manual work. If you have an animation from frame 0-90 and want a camera spin around from lets say frame 40 to 70, you would have to hold all other animation tracks in that range, e.g. create a new keyframe in frame 40 (you could easily do so by Strg+Click in that track at frame 40) and copy that one to frame 70 (drag and drop with strg held). But youd have to repeat that for each animation track (except the camera) To set the keyframe in frame 40 for all selected animation tracks at once you could press q (or choose File Record Current State in Timeline Window).If you want to freeze everything you have to copy frame 40 keyframes to frame 70, if you want the animation to be slomo you could forward to e.g. frame 50 press q again and move all those generated keyframes to frame 70.With a little extra work on f-curves you can reach a nice slowmo effect.hth

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afaik that would involve (quite a lot of) manual work. If you have an animation from frame 0-90 and want a camera spin around from lets say frame 40 to 70, you would have to hold all other animation tracks in that range, e.g. create a new keyframe in frame 40 (you could easily do so by Strg+Click in that track at frame 40) and copy that one to frame 70 (drag and drop with strg held). But youd have to repeat that for each animation track (except the camera) To set the keyframe in frame 40 for all selected animation tracks at once you could press q (or choose File Record Current State in Timeline Window).If you want to freeze everything you have to copy frame 40 keyframes to frame 70, if you want the animation to be slomo you could forward to e.g. frame 50 press q again and move all those generated keyframes to frame 70.With a little extra work on f-curves you can reach a nice slowmo effect.hth

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