VidFest Presentation

  • 78
    This is a loosely chronological survey of my work from my teenage fanzine artwork to screenshots of The Matrix Online, for which I wrote story continuity over the first few years of its existence. SF illustration, movie storyboards, advertising art and plenty of Concrete and other comics work included. It was part of my talk with Mark Verheiden, then a Battlestar Galactica writer/producer, to Vidfest 2007 in Vancouver BC.

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March 21, 2010


Jamie S. Rich

When I used to write letters to comics as a teenage boy, all it got me was fanmail from guys in prison. Nertz! :/

Mark Verheiden

I probably owe Stan (or the assistant editor who picked the letters pages) for my entire career... I had a letter in X-Men #65 (15 cents!), which led to being contacted by other Oregon comics fans. Through them I discovered the world of apas and eventually people like you and Randy Stradley and Chris Warner and Mike Richardson and Randy Emberlin, all of whom became the beginnings of Dark Horse.

All that, and not a single letter from guys in prison...


Mark I sure do appreciate your sciiernty and that you have taken the time to go through my reviews and my recommendations.Good luck with the programs and give me a holler if I can answer any questions for you. Most Sincerely, Tanya Chadwick


Hey, I'm 44yrs old and I can still remember when my mohetr got soooo excited that they were making fake trees back in the 70 s because she is like Nicole with the mess, the smell, the hassle, the dirt, the water, the needles, getting it in and out of the door, etc, etc, etc. So for the better part of my childhood and till this day, my mohetr has not allowed a real tree in her house! It just never felt right to me .a tree is suppose to be real, messy, needles on the floor, smell in the house, etc, etc. When I moved out on my own, landlords were not so open to real' trees so I did have a small fake 3ft one .but I was alway home for Christmas anyway, so it didn't matter. But I swore that when I got my own house, I would always have a real tree in my house. I've been married for 14yrs now and own house, and myself and my husband have had a real tree ever since. I will ALWAYS have a real tree with it's dirt, smell, needles, sap, SPIDERS (yup .they hatch when the tree hits heat! Bug spray is ready! LOL!!), etc., etc, etc . That is what it is all about!!!!!!!!! We love going to the tree farm and picking out our tree for that year it is a family tradition we started and our 7yr old daughter can't wait to go pick it out! I will say, real trees are not for everyone, and while I personally prefer a real one, I don't think that either makes or breaks a Christmas .it's the feeling that the decorated tree brings to a room .and the people around it!!!!!!! Merry Christmas and Happy Honnuka you guys .love your show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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