VidFest Presentation

  • 78
    This is a loosely chronological survey of my work from my teenage fanzine artwork to screenshots of The Matrix Online, for which I wrote story continuity over the first few years of its existence. SF illustration, movie storyboards, advertising art and plenty of Concrete and other comics work included. It was part of my talk with Mark Verheiden, then a Battlestar Galactica writer/producer, to Vidfest 2007 in Vancouver BC.

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November 23, 2010



If it's a hit, expect this to be remade:

With a new, parallel title.

ron harris

This movie will finally vindicate that fine Charlton comic, "Space Western," in which the heroes wore Stetsons with little antennas on the hatband.


if you are ever in the mood to go exploring on your own or with friends, I recommend biking through the city. You see a lot more from your bike than you would from an automobile. One of my favorite bike trips is taking the pandora jewellry . bike lane downtown through the city, then over the Detroit Superior Bridge. You can bike down Detroit Rd. all the way until Lincoln Park, which is part of the Cleveland Metroparks and is a beautiful oasis of green in the city.


i dont think you should do the ctosent . people are just going to make s*** up.. notice in all of those videos its all household products.. people just want another stand, but dont actually need it..


Any no. in the lst column can be wreittn as100(9-a)+10*6+alllrly in the 2nd column 100(8-b)+10*4+bin the 3rd 100(7-c)+10*8+c4th 100(10-d)+10*7+d5th 100(13-e)+10*5+etherefore their sum is100{47-(a+b+c+d+e)}+10*30+a+b+c+d+eie 100{47+3-(a+b+c+d+e)}+a+b+c+d+e100{50-(sum of unit place's digits)+sum of unit place's digits

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